Benefits of Lemon Lime for Health and Beauty
Lemon or also known as lemon is one of the oranges used to mix a variety of processed foods and beverages. Lemon has the Latin name Citrus lemon and included in the family Rutaceae. Many people mistakenly think that the same lemon with lemon, but they are different. However, both are commonly used as a mixture for a health drink. Like lemon with warm water and honey as an ingredient that is believed to be slimming.
What causes a lemon so beneficial to health? There are other content contained therein. Like other citrus fruits, lemon also contains vitamin C higher. In addition there is the content of vitamin B5, vitamin B3, vitamin B1 and B2, folic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sugar, carbohydrate, fiber, fat and protein.
Benefits Orange Lemon
Efficacy of lemon is not only as a flavor enhancer in beverages fresh. Orange bright yellow is also beneficial for health, beauty and skin, face and hair. Let's peel benefits one by one.Benefits of Lemon for Health
Health Benefits of Lemon Prior to widely used in the world of modern medicine, our ancestors in days of yore already capitalizing lemon as ingredients for making traditional herbs to cure a variety of diseases and health problems. Here are some benefits of lemon for health:Lose Weight
Consuming lemon juice in the morning is believed to help women to lose weight. How, to prepare a glass of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir until blended. Take a lemon, cut into 4 pieces and squeeze the juice into warm water before, stir and drink. For maximum results, use pure honey without added sugar.Maintaining Healthy Teeth
Lemon juice helps relieve toothache.Moreover also efficacious in whitening teeth. How to regularly consume fresh lemon juice. Consumption of lemon juice can also help heal gingivitis and mouth odors.
Improve Immune
The content of vitamin C and antioxidants in the lemon is a good combination to enhance the immune system (immune system). Lemon helps make alkaline in the body, and restore the pH balance of the body. Ph imbalance body is one of the main causes of the flu and cough caused by the body is too acidic. So if you have the flu, drink concoction of warm water and lemon plus a little honey. Do not worry, lemon water is safe for consumption while the stomach is empty. It also contains flavonoids, which are also useful to fight the virus and make the body fit.Digestion
For those of you who have a problem difficult defecation, drinking lemon water in the morning can help the digestive system. Drinking lemon water in the morning to help launch small pee, kidney cleansing, improving reproductive enzymes and protein production to clean the digestive tract blockage.
Breathing Improves
In addition, digestion, breathing can also smoothly thanks to the lemon juice in the morning. For patients with asthma or allergies often have a cough, try to regularly consume warm lemon water in the morning.
Overcoming Nausea
Morning Sickness, or morning sickness experienced by women who are pregnant. If you experience this, try to make herb lemon zest with warm water and honey to overcome the nausea.
Keeping Healthy Heart
The liver is a vital organ that should really be kept healthy. Lemon juice contains potassium (potassium) high can cure biliousness or symptoms of liver disease that can cause constipation, dizziness, vomiting and loss of appetite. It can also shed gallstones and relieve fever caused by malaria.
Fighting Cancer
Cancer is a deadly disease that is feared by everyone. A study says that lemons have the ability 1000 times better than in the fight against cancer with chemotherapy. According to some sources, there are a lot of conspiracy to bury some research on the efficacy of natural products and prefer to make synthetic products because the benefits are much greater.
Treat Sore Throat
Infection can cause inflammation of the throat and cause pain when swallowing food. Often accompanied by fever and a cough. Content antibacterial lemon helps in overcoming interference throat infections, sore throats and tonsillitis. For sore throat, gargle with a half cup of lemon juice.
Lowering High Blood Pressure
Lemon juice is also believed to promote heart health and diseases that arise because of heart problems such as high blood pressure. A diet high in potassium is also believed to help relieve headaches, nausea, helps your mind and body relax, reduce stress and mental depression.
Removing Toxins in the Body
Lemon juice has diuretic properties, able to shed toxins in the body, uric acid. Do not be surprised or after consuming lemon juice so you urinate frequently. It is a process of cleansing toxins from the body. Citric acid content can help to melt gallstones, so it helps to stimulate the liver and detoxify.
Preventing Free Radical
The content of vitamin C in lemons help the body fight free radicals, preventing premature aging. Also can fight infections caused by fungi. Lemon is also a food that is anionic (negatively charged ion), so it is very important for the body. Vitamin C in the lemon can help to treat scabies.
Treating Worms
Worms is a disease that can be dangerous if allowed to continue. Besides can cause anemia, the patient also has the potential to severely malnourished. Lemon juice can help eliminate the worms in the body, the cause of health problems associated with worms.
Lemon Benefits for Beauty
In the world of beauty, lemon fruit is also very familiar. Lemons are often used as an ingredient for skin care, face and hair.
Lemon Benefits for Skin
Lemons are often used as a material for treating skin. This is because the content of vitamin C and a high antioxidant that is good for skin rejuvenation and counteract free radicals.
Lemon Benefits for Skin
Overcoming Acne
Acne appears on the face of it sucks. Already a variety of drugs used, but appear again and again even multiply, skin irritation redness. If the conditions are like that, maybe it's time you use traditional ingredients, such as lemon juice to treat acne. Way, take cotton and Budd dip in lemon juice, then apply on the face of pimples. Lemon juice contains natural antiseptic that kills germs and bacteria that cause acne.
Eliminating Dark Spot
Stains and black spots on the face can sometimes interfere with a person's appearance, to be able to disguise the use of make-up. However, to disguise the total you need help from the lemon. Do it at night on a regular basis, in two weeks will see the results.
Overcome Oily Skin
Oily skin actually has the potential to remain youthful. However, if not treated properly, the oil is not controlled and the face looks dull. Lemon juice can help reduce excess oil production. In addition, it is useful as an astringent skin refreshing.
Nail Care
Nail care is expensive extravagance, of which no more money. Why? Because there is a natural way of cheap, easy and safe, the use of lemon juice. How to nail dipped in lemon juice for 10 minutes. Afterwards, continue to soak your nails in a mixture of warm water and white vinegar. Try and feel the results for yourself.
Helps Skin Lightening
Want skin whiter and brighter? Use lemon to achieve these desires. Mix 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, and 2 tablespoons of the milk into a bowl and apply it on the face and body. The herb is a natural bleach. Drinking warm lemon water regularly every morning to brighten the skin gradually.
Helps Skin Regeneration
Content AHA (Alpha-Hidrocxy Acid) in lemon believed to help the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells to regenerate skin remain intact. The trick, dip the cotton in the lemon water and apply evenly to the face. let stand for 10 minutes and rinse. see the results.
Smooth elbows and knees
Skin folds in the area elbows and knees are usually rough and black if not treated properly. Take a lemon and cut it into two parts. Rub lemon slices on the last part of the elbow and knee rough. Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse with water, and then see the results.
Shrinking Pores
Large pores like an orange peel to make a trouble in the air make-up. However, you can perform treatments using fresh lemon juice. First cool lemon juice in the fridge. Once cool, use a cotton swab dipped in the juice and apply to the face evenly. Rinse with water and apply moisturizer.
Eliminate Wrinkles and Wrinkles
You have a problem with wrinkles? Wrinkles everywhere? Quiet, no lemon juice that will solve your problem. Mix one tablespoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil. Apply to the body part that is filled wrinkles for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
Overcoming Dry Lips chapped &
Dry and cracked lips burst could be caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals, and dehydrated in the heat. To overcome this, take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and mix to form a paste. Rub it on your lips and allow it to dry, then rinse.
Benefits of Lemon for Hair
Aloe vera and lime, lemon is also useful in treating hair health. Functions more as a cleanser and toner. But also at the same time strengthens.
Benefits of Lemon for Hair
Treatment for Damaged Hair
Some of the inhuman treatment of the hair can cause hair to become damaged, broken, loss, dry, and so on. To fix this, you can use lemon juice. Make a mixture of herbs with lemon juice, 4 tablespoons olive oil and 3 tablespoons of pure honey. Apply the mixture on your hair as a natural mask. Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
Overcoming Hair Loss
Lemon juice can also help cope with hair loss. How to take 3/4 tablespoons oil and add the lemon zest and stir well. Apply this mixture on the hair evenly. let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. Do it 2-3 times a week and see the results.
Addressing gray hair
Gray hair came too early, it can be made self-confidence diminished. Why are young gray? But do not worry, mix the lemon juice with the juice of Amla. Apply to the hair and scalp, then wash clean up 30 minutes later.
Eliminating Dandruff
Dandruff is a scalp problem that can cause itching. Try to mix the lemon juice that has been contrived with warm olive oil. Massage your head gently with lemon mixture and let stand for 15 minutes and then rinse your hair with water. Do not forget to always use conditioner after shampooing.
Other benefits of the Lemon
In addition to health and beauty benefits of lemon can also be felt by the mother-housewife to clean the kitchen and cooking utensils. It can also whiten clothes at removing stains.
Benefits of Lemon
Cleaning Waste Oil
When cooking, sometimes the rest of the oil-splattered everywhere, ranging from cooking table, stove, dining table, to other cookware. Take a lemon, then cut it into two parts. Use pieces of lemon to rub the affected oil stains. Continue rubbing it with a towel or cloth to clean.
Cleaning Cutting
Cutting or cutting vegetables and meat can leave stains difficult to remove odors and even cleaned frequently. Way, take a lemon and cut it into two parts. Rub lemon wedges on a cutting board, and then washed clean.
Refreshing Fruit and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables that have been cut often turns a yellowish / brownish. This is reasonable because the oxidation process. However, you can work with the lemon juice sprinkled on fruit or vegetables that have been cut.
Odor Eliminating Waste
When the garbage smell started, you need to do is put the lemon peel container into the garbage bag.
Cleaning Microwave
Boil one cup of water mixed with four tablespoons of lemon juice in the microwave and use the same mixture to clean the microwave.
Eliminate stains and whiten clothing
Change your chlorine bleach with natural materials, namely lemon. Soak a cloth with a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda for an hour before washing. Lemon juice works as a mild bleach, but does not leave a white container. And of course safe for the skin.
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