Monday, 3 November 2014

8 Benefits of a red dragon fruit juice and white

The benefits of a red dragon fruit juice and white for the health of the body such as the skin, increase endurance as well as for pregnant women and fetuses. Dragon fruit much like it because it has a sweet taste and a little sour very refreshing, so it can treat thirst. Dragon fruit was first discovered and cultivated in Central America that rather originated in the State of Mexico. Aside from the refreshing taste, dragon fruit is storing a myriad of benefits in it so it can be trusted to overcome various health problems. Dragon fruit contains nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, iron, potassium, lycopene, thiamin, niacin, tannins and many other nutrient content. So no wonder, if the dragon fruit is very effective in preventing and overcoming various types of diseases. Eating dragon fruit can be consumed directly by way of fruit or juice used as a more rapidly absorbed by the body, so it felt faster usefulness.


Dragon Fruit Juice

Here are some benefits of dragon fruit juice, such as :

 1. In the dragon fruit juice contains vitamin B3 which is quite high, so it is very efficacious in helping to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.
 2. dragon fruit juice also contains soluble fiber which is very effective in helping you lose weight, because the content of the digestive tract and can expedite smooth bowel movement. So fat that sticks in the gut can come late and carried out.
 3. The content of beta-carotene in the dragon fruit juice is not inferior to the high content of beta-carotene contained in carrots, so it is very effective in improving eye health. Dragon fruit juice consumption on a daily basis, it is believed very effective to sharpen eyesight.
 4. The dragon fruit has antioxidant compounds that result from the content of vitamin C is high enough, these antioxidant compounds are very potent in warding off free radicals that can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
 5. If you want to look beautiful, you can try the dragon fruit juice on a daily basis. Because the full nutritional content can improve skin health and preventing skin problems such as acne, dry skin, dull skin and other skin problems from the inside. For external treatment, you can also make a mask dragon fruit juice on the skin.
 6. Vitamin C is high enough also can keep the immune system, so the body will not be susceptible to illness as a result of the change of seasons.
 7. While the content of calcium and phosphorus in the dragon fruit have to maintain bone health and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis, bone fracture healing and bone diseases other problems.
 8. Consuming dragon fruit juice regularly during pregnancy, it is very efficacious in improving the health of the mother and fetus. In addition, the acid content of folat able to accelerate the growth of brain tissue in the fetus and the fetus is exposed to prevent neural tube defects and prevent premature birth.

How to make dragon fruit juice:

  • Prepare 1 dragon fruit, then wash and peel fruit.
  • After that, split into several parts and then enter into a blender.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey, water and puree with a blender.
  • Finally, pour the juice into the glass and was ready to drink.

Drinking regularly every day to feel the benefits for the health of the body. Thus information about the benefits of dragon fruit juice, may be useful and good luck.

8 Benefits of a red dragon fruit juice and white Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: riowachid

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