Monday, 17 November 2014

Benefits of Papaya for Health and Beauty

Benefits of papaya
Papaya Fruit


Benefits of Papaya for Health and Beauty

Fruits can not be separated from the menu required someone to escort that makes the body feel fit and healthy. Besides eating vegetables, meat, milk, until carbohydrates, fruits as part of a healthy diet 4 5 perfect, have the pieces and consume natural flavors make a smooth digestion and also helps the metabolism in the body. It was to get real results like the benefits of papaya fruit which has been consumed.

Benefits of papaya fruit is now better known as a drug for people who constipation, how can aid digestion papaya fruit that is in the body, it turns papaya fruit contains very many very good to eat, such as Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A , Vitamin B, Phosphorus, Iron, which is safe to eat for kids though, how consume papaya fruit for constipation sufferers are:

  1. Peel the papaya skin slowly, as if doing stripping hurry, papaya fruit flesh will come to the skin peeled papaya, papaya flesh is unfortunate throw intentionally or unintentionally given papaya contains varying the good for the body.
  2. After that, cut it into small pieces peeled papaya that is easy to eat and helps the digestive process because of the size of the stomach is cut papaya earlier.
  3. Apparently papaya fruit is very good also for juiced, how, live input papaya cut into the blender, mix with water or with milk and sugar to taste, blend papaya and other materials, as appropriate to the desired consistency, turn off the blender and put the juice into a glass, healthy papaya juice ready to drink.

Herbal medicine is classified as a natural treatment if the drug dispensing method carried out properly and are made of natural materials, a lot of it the fruit that has become part of this herbal medicine, the fruit is often used as a work-around health are papaya, besides useful leaves, papaya fruit flesh is not less important to the properties generated, the price is also quite cheap, make a plus of papaya.

In addition to digestive problems, other benefits of papaya fruit that is used as a mask. Papaya mask believed to eliminate dull in the face. Papaya mask can be obtained instantly in the nearest supermarket, but it is safer if making your own papaya mask at home, ways to make this mask is:

  • Peel the papaya, take the meat, then cut into small pieces,
  • Place the papaya flesh with a teaspoon of honey into a bowl and mash until it forms a dough mask, honey has a useful function to moisturize the skin,
  • Put the papaya mask slowly to the entire face, let sit for a few minutes then rinse with warm water.

Some of the fruit contains an incredible useful, papaya became one of them, a fruit that comes from Mexico can be easily obtained in traditional markets as well as on the side of the road, for those who want to live a healthy, this fruit into the solution, with consumed by the way whatever.

When applying the benefits of papaya felt has been done properly, the results obtained will not disappoint, ranging from smooth defecation with already eating papaya, and makes the skin smoother and brighter with the use of papaya mask on your face regularly. Read also the article on the
benefit of blueberries is no less important to the health of our bodies.

See Video benefits of papaya 

Benefits of Papaya for Health and Beauty Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: riowachid

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