Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables Every Day

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables Every Day


 Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables Every Day

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables - Sometimes we often lazy to consume vegetables and fruits, we are more likely to consume fast food and instant. Such foods actually make our bodies with long periods of illness will be buried in our bodies. Here are the benefits of fruits and vegetables if consumed every day:

1. Avoid various diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and digestive disorders. Surveys in the United states that the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced if you consume more than 3 servings of fruits and vegetables. The World Cancer Research Agency also estimated the risk of all types of cancer can be reduced up to 20% by eating up to 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables. The study also shows a high-fiber diet helps us avoid diabetes and colon cancer. Further it is said that this type of cancer is very rare in countries whose traditional diet is mainly composed of Cereal foods, fruits and vegetables.
2. Overweight away by itself. This is because fruits and vegetables have a low enough in calories. Fruits and vegetables are fat-free foods, even if it contains fats are fats that are good for our health. By consuming more vegetables and fruit every day there is a decrease in calorie intake causes the body to burn fat calories in our body when we spend more than calorie food intake.
3. Weight control. High fiber content of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables cause us to feel full so that we do not eat high-calorie snacks and our weight was controlled.  

4. Defecation smoothly every day. The high fiber vegetables in 5 servings of fruits and vegetables lead to metabolic processes work smoothly. Defecation process was easy. The dirt that comes out is not hard and our bodies healthy. We avoid hemorrhoids; or those who have had problems with hemorrhoids, can avoid more severe conditions (enlarged or bleeding).
5. The body becomes more fresh and energetic. The amount of vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables makes the body. we are fresh and energetic so we were spared from viral infections such as influenza or other bacterial attack. We also know that the fruit is very necessary for recovery or convalescence after illness. Therefore, it has become a habit to bring fruits when we visit relatives or friends who are ill. 


This nine benefits of fruits you need to know:

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables

1.  Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, such as: vitamin A (beta-carotene), C and E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and folic acid. Research shows potent folic acid reduces homocysteine ​​levels, a substance that increases the risk of coronary heart disease.  
2.  Fruit 100% cholesterol free. Too much cholesterol is harmful to our bodies. Fruits no / very little cholesterol can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases.  
3.  Fruit stimulates the brain's ability. Fruit contribute positively to the ability to remember and process information in the brain and prevent dementia (Alzheimer's).
4.  Fruits are useful to prevent and treat cancer. Therapy with a diet of fruit and vegetable juices can be programmed to treat cancer and various diseases. Fruits red and purple, such as tomatoes, strawberries and red fruit, it contains a lot of lycopene and anthocyanins are efficacious cancer.
5.   Fruit makes us feel happier. Eating fruit regularly can relieve depression and make us happier.
6.  Fruit is the most natural food. Fruit is food that does not need to be processed and very natural (of course, when produced without pesticides redundant). 
7.   Fruits contain a lot of fiber is beneficial to prevent constipation (difficult bowel movements), hemorrhoids and colon cancer.
8.  The fruit is a major source of antioxidants, substances that neutralize free radicals that contribute to premature aging and cause various diseases. The production of free radicals in the body mainly triggered by pollution, excessive sunlight, smoking and alcohol.
9.   Fruit saving shopping. You do not have to spend more to consume fruit, just switch your spending budget for other foods to fruits. Replace your snack cake with a chocolate or fruit.

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables

Be diligent to consume fruits and vegetables every day and your body will be protected from the disease because the immune system is Vit.

Benefits of Eating Fruits And Vegetables Every Day Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: riowachid

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