Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Benefits of Pineapple For Health and Beauty

Benefits of Pineapple



Benefits of Pineapple For Health and Beauty

Everyone knows what kind of shape and color of the fruit is pineapple. The fruit is also widely planted in Lampung and also processed into products by factories in the area. Although in other areas were also encountered plants and mills of this fruit. Therefore, the benefits of pineapple fruit is there are so many that can be used by many people.

Pineapple ananas comosus scientific name (L.) Merr. This plant is a tropical plant species were originally planted in Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Leaves have long, sharp-pointed leaves and arranged in a rosette shape which surrounds of thick stems of this plant. Name pineapple also taken from the name of the Artiya anana- excellent fruit, therefore the benefits of pineapple can be used for many living creatures.

The content contained on this pineapple fruit is the presence of vitamins A and C which are useful as antioxidants, containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and also the enzyme bromelain which can be useful for anti-inflammation, soften the food in the stomach and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells . High fiber pineapple can also launch a bowel movement.

Although it has many benefits, but when consumed in excess will cause side effects such as the form can have an abortion, a trigger arthritis because the pineapple fruit in the gastrointestinal tract will be fermented into alcohol that can lead to rheumatic into relapse, can increase blood sugar due to the high content of glucose and fruit this also can cause itching of the tongue and mouth.


The benefits of pineapple fruit for our health, among others are:

Reduce excessive stomach acid out.
Streamlining digestion in the stomach.
Diuretics or to smooth urination.
Clean the skin tissues that have died.
Inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Inhibits of the clumping of platelets.
Addressing the inflammation in the skin.
Addressing the problem of dandruff.
Smooth menstruation or menstruation.
Increases in blood sugar for people with hypoglycemia.
Curing the flu and sore throat.
Protecting the health of the kidneys and the heart because there are useful enzymes to digest protein.

In addition to the above benefits are also benefits of pineapple in terms of beauty are used as anti-aging. Tips for using pineapple to maintain healthy skin is to:
  • Make extract of pineapple juice and then applied to the face with cotton. Let stand for less than five minutes. After that dry instantly, pineapple extract contains alpha hydroxy acids can slow the effects of aging function.
  • Pineapple can also be destroyed by a blender and mixed with honey. After that, apply on the face.
  • Pineapple fruit can also be cut into small pieces. Then wash your body in the bath with the pineapple pieces.
  • Cut the pineapple into small pieces and wipe the dark patches on the skin. But do not rested more than five minutes because the acid levels in the development of pineapple can burn our skin.
  • wrinkles, warts and moles can also be eliminated by applying pineapple on a regular basis.
  • Can be used to brighten the skin by mixing pieces of pineapple with coconut milk and then blended into one. After it was given extra sugar to taste and is used as a scrub.

Benefits of Pineapple For Health and Beauty Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: riowachid

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